Become a Funded Biz Affiliate Partner & Start Making Amazing Money Referring Business Loans

Earn $250 per lead, even if it doesn't result in a funded loan! Lets us show you how!


Why Become a Funded Biz Business Loan Affiliate Partner?

Funded Biz is one of Australia’s largest and fastest national business lender. We fund between small to large businesses in just 24 hours.

Best of all, we don't need to see the customers financials to approve a lead. As long as they satisify for following criteria, your lead will be funded:

An active ABN/ACN

At least 4 months of trading

A minimum monthly revenue of $12,000

Have at least average credit+


I’m glad you asked as this is the most exciting part

We pay our Affiliates and Referrers $250 per lead even if the loan doesn't get funded. That's right, you get $250 for every person you send to us as long we confirm that they comply with the criteria above. How would you like to earn $250 to offer money to people without selling anything?

This cost is not added on to the cost of the business loan, so is therefore not passed onto the client. It is purely a fee paid from us to you.